1961: Exhibition in the public toilets at Place du Bourg-de-Four in Geneva. Manifest exhibition: art needs nature of man. Critical homage to Marcel Duchamp as it seemed easier to exhibit a urinal in a museum (Duchamp) than to transform a pissotiere into an art gallery.
1973: Window / painting. Painting as an alliance of theory and practice. All that I see, receive on the other side of the window and that I transform on the canvas.
1979: Leaves Geneva for Paris.
1981 – 1982: Cycle of La mort d’Eschyle. Paintings on canvas and paper. Drawings, collages and album of four original lithographs.
1983: Memory of the world. Paintings on canvas and paper. Watercolors. Nights crossed. Paintings on canvas and paper. Watercolors.
1986: First painted Apories and epitaph paintings: painting as a place of all possible contradictions, extension and overcoming of the window / painting.
1996: Rives / Arches. Suite of 88 watercolors, drawings, gouaches, etc. on Rives et Arches paper.